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Ultimate Risk (R.I.S.C. Book 6) Page 3
Ultimate Risk (R.I.S.C. Book 6) Read online
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Reaching for her favorite mug, she nearly jumped out of her skin when someone knocked loudly on her door. Her heart gave a hard thump. She glanced at the time on the microwave. It was much too late for an uninvited visitor. Plus…
No one ever comes here.
She pulled her hand away, leaving the cabinet door open to avoid making any noise. Her bare feet allowed for silent movements as she tiptoed over the cool, tiled floor.
Mac waited, opening one of her smaller drawers when a second knock came. Using the sound as a cover, she quickly removed the loaded pistol. It was one of several weapons hidden throughout the apartment.
Making her way across the open area, she stopped to the left of her door. Logically Mac knew most killers wouldn’t announce themselves. Given the circumstances, however, she wasn’t about to take any chances.
The door provided a peephole, but she didn’t use it. If whoever was on the other side had come to hurt her and had knocked on the door thinking they’d catch her off guard, they might notice the tiny, circular space darkening with her shadow.
If they were carrying, whoever was on the other side would be able to blast straight through the wood, taking her down in an instant.
Screw that.
Dying in her own apartment would be bad enough. Dying without the chance to fight back?
Out of the freaking question.
Keeping her finger off the trigger, Mac steadied her breathing and slowed her heart rate. With her gun at the ready, she was beginning to think whoever it was had given up and decided to leave when the knock came again.
It was more of a persistent pounding now, her heart rate kicking into high gear when a man’s frustrated voice joined in.
“Come on, Mac. I know you’re home. Open the damn door.”
What the…
Blowing out a loud breath, she engaged the weapon’s safety and unlocked her door. After disarming the alarm system—courtesy of R.I.S.C.—Mac opened the door.
Dressed in a pair of well-worn jeans and a charcoal V-neck t-shirt that stretched tightly across his pecs and biceps, the man looked good enough to eat.
Definitely not something she should be thinking about her partner.
“What the hell are you doing here?” she asked, inwardly wincing at her harsh greeting.
“Good to see you, too.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Nice jammies.”
Knowing Coop, he was probably trying to keep things light after their earlier conversation. Still, she could’ve sworn his eyes had become heated as they took in her black, satin pajamas. But then they found the gun gripped tightly in her hand.
“Expecting someone different?”
“It’s after eleven,” she pointed out. “I wasn’t expecting anyone.”
She didn’t mean to sound so harsh. Not with Coop. From day one, he’d gone out of his way to make her feel comfortable around him. Safe.
But lately he’d made her feel something…more. Things she’d spent years trying very hard to avoid.
Apparently her defense mechanism was a bitchy attitude. One he didn’t seem to mind.
“Well…surprise!” His entire face lit up with a likable, boyish charm, making him appear even younger than his thirty-one years.
It also made her panties want to fly right off her hips.
You cannot think like that now. Or ever.
That tiny voice was right, but damn it was hard not to.
At five-ten, Coop wasn’t the tallest on the team, but he still towered over her five-foot-three frame.
His short brown hair looked a little mussed on top, as if he’d been running his hands through it recently, and his perfect nose and kissable lips matched every other feature on the man’s body.
Though she hadn’t seen everything, their joint workout sessions and various missions had allowed Mac to see enough.
From his handsome face to his washboard abs, her partner was the epitome of male perfection, which made keeping her distance that much harder. Especially when he was standing right in front of her.
She wanted to growl. Or scream. Maybe both.
Clearing her throat, Mac lifted her chin. “Look, Coop. I have to leave first thing in the morning, so…”
“I know.” He swallowed. “That’s why I came.”
“We already said goodbye at Jake’s, remember?”
“You said goodbye, Mac,” he pointed out. “I never got the chance to say much of anything.”
She kept her expression emotionless. “Okay. What is it you wanted to say?”
“In a minute.” He glanced behind her. “After you invite me in.”
Her chest tightened. “Why would I do that?”
Coop’s brows turned inward. “Why wouldn’t you? I mean, I did drive all this way to see you one last time before you left to go wherever it is you’re going.”
“I never asked you to come here.”
Shit. She was doing it again. But, damn it, the situation was already hard enough. His being here made it a billion times harder.
Acting as if her snippy comment didn’t affect him in the least, he lifted a shoulder. “Didn’t have to ask me, Mac. That’s what partners are for, right?” He gave her a quick wink, followed by a sexy half-smirk that made her heart skip. “Besides, I’m dying of thirst and could really use a drink before the drive home.”
She knew what he was doing because he’d done this sort of thing before. Coop would continue to come up with excuse after excuse, wearing her down until she finally agreed to give him what he wanted.
Too bad he isn’t asking for something else.
Clearing her throat again, because she did not just think that, Mac said, “Fine. One drink and then you’re leaving.” She stepped aside to give him room.
“Fair enough.”
As he slid past, Coop’s arm brushed against her. She schooled her expression, determined not to let him see how strongly that slight touch, along with his familiar scent, affected her.
It wasn’t something that came from a bottle. She’d only ever smelled it when he was near. All spicy male and musk, the scent was one hundred percent Sean Cooper, and it instantly made her feel comforted. Safe.
It also made her want to jump his bones. Every. Single. Time.
Hating the idea that any one person could have such an effect on her, Mac closed her door with a bit too much force. She re-engaged the locks and quickly set the alarm—a habit she couldn’t afford to break.
When Coop looked at her questioningly, she blew it off with a shrug. “Girl can’t be too careful.”
Walking past, she refused to look him in the eye as she asked, “What would you like? Water? Tea? Something stronger?”
Lord knows she was definitely in need of a drink herself.
“Surprise me,” he answered from behind her.
Stronger, it is.
The apartment was small but had always seemed the perfect size for her. With him in it, however, it was like the oxygen had been sucked right out of the place. She couldn’t breathe.
In the seven years they’d been on Alpha Team, Coop had never been to her home—for this very reason.
She could handle being with him at the shooting range with the team or hiding in a tree somewhere while waiting to take out the bad guy. Being with him here? Alone? This was different and too damn risky.
Because lately, hiding her true self from him was becoming harder and harder to do.
“Nice place,” he spoke from the other room. His smooth voice rolled through her. “More colorful than I expected.”
With her back to him, Mac’s lips curled up into a tiny smile. Her apartment was colorful. The backdrop was stark white—walls, furniture, carpet. But everything else was bright. Vibrant. It was ridiculous, but knowing Coop liked it made her happy.
So much of her world was filled with darkness and death. But here, in her home, Mac did what she could to surround herself with the colors of life.
Setting the pistol back into the drawer where it belonged, she grabbed two short g
lasses from the still-open cabinet. Pouring two fingers’ worth of whiskey into each one, Mac twisted the cap onto the bottle before carrying the drinks back into the living room, where Coop waited.
“Here. Hope this is okay.”
“Thanks.” Studying the books on the bookshelf next to her electric fireplace, his lips quirked as he took the glass.
“Romance novels?” That damn brow rose again. “Really?”
She raised her own brow. “You got a problem with that?”
“Nope.” He pressed his lips together to keep from laughing. “No problem. Guess I saw you as more of an action-adventure gal, that’s all. You know. Spies. Espionage. That sort of thing.”
“I get enough of that at work. Those”—she glanced at her collection of books—“let me escape it all. For a little while, at least.”
Coop’s expression softened as he picked up on the wistfulness she’d let slip through. The man always did see too damn much.
It was why she was so careful around him. Kept everything close to the vest. Because if Coop ever found out the truth…
He’d never look at me the same way again.
“Stop it.”
Her eyes flew up to his. “What—”
“You don’t have to hide from me.”
The beat of her heart grew stronger. Faster. “I’m not hiding anything from you.”
The obvious lie should have made him angry, but his sexy voice rumbled as he laughed. “Baby, you hide yourself from everyone around you. The others…they may not see it, but I do.” He shrugged one of his broad shoulders. “Always have.”
Baby? Coop had never called her that before.
Staring back at him, she realized he’d also never looked at her the way he was now. And what he’d just said…
Her heart didn’t beat harder. It slammed against her ribs.
Eyes locked, it was impossible to miss the way his were darkening with each second that passed. He took the glass from her hand and set it next to his on the nearest shelf.
“I know you’re hiding shit, Mac. From me. From the team. Thing is…” He took a step closer. Licked the lips she’d dreamed of tasting. “I don’t care.”
“You wouldn’t say that if you knew the truth.”
“Tell me.”
She glanced away, her voice barely a whisper. “I can’t.”
“Look at me, McKenna.”
She didn’t. He refused to allow it.
Taking another step toward her, Coop put his hand beneath her chin and gently forced her to face him once more. Expecting to find him staring back at her with anger, she was surprised by the determination and palpable heat she found in those gorgeous eyes.
He was standing so close to her now. Too close. When he spoke again, she could feel his hot breath on her forehead, and he sounded different.
“You are so damn stubborn.” His thumb caressed her bottom lip. “And so fucking beautiful.”
Holy. Shit. “Coop?”
“I’m in, Mac.”
That damn organ in her chest pounded harder. Surely he didn’t mean, “You’re…in?”
“Whatever you’re doing. Whatever this job is. I want in.”
Mac hid the disappointment she shouldn’t be feeling. Of course he was referring to the job.
“We already talked about that.”
He dropped his hand. “No.”
“No. You talked. I tried to, but you wouldn’t listen.”
“I told you. It’s something I have to do on my own.”
“Because it’s too dangerous.”
Mac nodded. “Yes.”
“All the more reason to have backup.” When she opened her mouth to keep arguing, he cut her off. “When I got shot in Venezuela, you were there. Risked your life to get my ass to that chopper, and then you stayed with me. First in the hospital and again after, at my apartment. Helped me until I was back on my feet.”
“You would’ve done the same for me.”
“Fuck yeah, I would have.” The conviction in his deep voice left her shaken. “I will always have your back, McKenna. Just like I have it now.”
Damn him. When he said things like that, it threatened her resolve. But she couldn’t break. Couldn’t risk him.
“I appreciate the offer, Sean. I really do. But this is different.”
“Because it’s you?” He raised that same, cocky brow.
“Yes,” Mac said matter-of-factly. “I won’t let you risk yourself for me. Not for something so…personal.”
She cared about him. Way more than she should. If something happened to him because of her, she’d never forgive herself.
“Not your choice, Mac.”
Uh, yeah. It was. “I told you. I have to do this alone.”
Rather than argue, Coop lifted one corner of his sexy mouth. “See? Stubborn.”
Mac crossed her arms at her chest. Mainly to keep him from noticing her hard-as-stone nipples trying to poke their way through her satin top.
“Do you have any idea what it would do to me?”—in a sudden change, his voice grew lower. Darker—“if you were hurt or, God forbid, worse?” He swallowed. “I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you because I wasn’t there to protect you.”
“Look, Sean. I get it. We’re partners, and—”
“Is that all we are?” That heat poured off him now. “Because I think there’s more to us than that. And I think you know it, too.”
He studied her for a stretch before reaching up and tucking some hair behind her ear. “My timing’s shit, I know. I should’ve said something a hell of a lot sooner, but I thought…” A pained expression fell over him. “I thought there was still plenty of time.”
“For what?” she asked, resenting the ridiculous amount of hopefulness she was feeling.
Coop’s hand cupped the side of her face, his strong, callused fingers caressing her cheek. He kept his piercing gaze locked with hers a half a second before dropping it to her mouth.
“For this.” He kissed her.
Didn’t take his time or go slow. He went right in, taking what he wanted. And she let him.
Holy shit! She was kissing Coop. Coop! And in that moment, there was nothing in the world that could have pulled her away.
He tasted of whiskey and passion—the most delicious combination to ever pass over her tongue. Speaking of tongues…
Mac grabbed hold of his shoulders as she opened her mouth, her tongue moving with his in a hot, seductive dance. With her fingertips digging into his taut muscles, she drew him in deeper. Wilder.
It was only a kiss, yet the connection was more powerful, more meaningful than anything she’d ever experienced.
For several seconds—or minutes, maybe—they stood like that. Taking. Tasting. Devouring. Until, much too soon, Coop slowly pulled away. Breaking that connection completely.
His panted breaths matched hers as Mac stared up at him in a heavy daze. Her mind became a whirlwind of thoughts, her insides a collage of strong emotions.
“I’d say I’m sorry, but I’d be lying.” Coop kept his palm against her cheek.
“I’m not sorry, either,” she admitted boldly.
The corners of his lips curled, his thumb sliding over her bottom lip like before. With his voice sounding thick and rough, he said, “I should probably go.”
“Yes.” Mac barely nodded. “You probably should.”
Coop fought to keep the half-smile in place, but she saw the disappointment behind those swirls of greens and browns. With a single nod, he rolled his lips inward and started for the door.
As he passed by her, Mac’s hand flew out and caught his thick wrist. “Wait.”
Coop stopped walking, his gaze dropping to the tight grip she had on him before raising up to hers. He didn’t say a word. Just stared.
In the back of her mind, she knew this was a bad idea. One she’d probably regret. But knowing this may be th
e only chance they’d have, Mac heard herself saying, “Stay. Please.”
That heat returned ten-fold as Coop reached an arm around her waist and pulled her to him. Her breath hitched. She could feel his erection pressing against her lower belly, causing her inner muscles to clench together in anticipation.
“Ah, baby.” He smiled down at her. “You don’t ever have to beg me for that.”
Coop reached down and swung Mac into his arms, the unexpected move causing her to let loose with a tiny squeal. He knew she could probably feel his rock-solid shaft pressing against her hip, but he didn’t care. She needed to know what she was signing up for.
Mac wrapped her arms around his neck and held on tightly.
As he carried her down the hall, he felt as though his heart would pound straight out of his fucking chest. He’d come here to talk some sense into her. To try to find a way to get through that thick skull of hers.
Not sleep with her.
Of course, no one had ever accused him of looking a gift horse in the mouth.
Though he’d never been here before, Coop instinctively knew the door directly in front of them—the one at the very end of the hall—would lead to her bedroom.
Using his shoulder, he pushed it open to reveal his hunch was correct. He smiled when he saw the bright, colorful space.
It was the exact opposite of the hard-ass operative he worked with on deadly missions. Yet, somehow, it seemed to suit her perfectly.
“Why are you smiling?” Mac’s sweet voice brought his attention back to her.
He walked into the room, carefully setting her on her feet beside the bed.
“I’ve dreamed about this happening since the day we met. Why wouldn’t I be smiling?”
A hint of vulnerability flashed through her. “You’ve…dreamed about me?”
“I dream about you damn near every night.” He brushed a few strands of her long, blonde hair from her forehead. “I dream about the way I’d touch you. Things I’ve wanted to do to you.”
Mac’s blue eyes grew dark, her pupils expanding with pure arousal. She’d never looked at him like that before. God, he’d wanted her to. Spent the last seven years hoping and praying this moment would come.
And you’re just standing here, wasting it when you could be undressing her.